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How do I change the Text in the Blue Window Bar
How do I change the Text in the Blue Window Bar
Hello Everyone,
I am stuck into a problem since a couple of days. Before i explain my problem plz look at the
image here.
I want to get the 'projects' for which the 'user' has submitted entries using 'views' module.
e.g. i want Project 1 and 2 for users 2 and 3; Project 1 for user 1.
I've tried different combinations using relationships, arguments and filters but m unable to get this. what i did is gave 'uid' as arguement, Reference node as relationship and node type project as filter. I got null as user has not created any project.
I tried putting nid as field using the relationship, i got the nid's of project but for all the entries i.e. nid of project 1 twice for user 1. :-(
Plzz tell me what is the correct way of achieving this, thanx in advance
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